Lewes Pounds for Local Business

Lewes Pounds for Local Business

As a local Lewes business accepting Lewes Pounds is a great way to connect with your local community, along with most independent local businesses who accept Lewes Pounds. Simply let us know either by emailing us or using the form below.

Contact us at the Lewes Pound via email: hello@thelewespound.org.
We will be in touch and provide you with promotional material, listing your business online and in the Lewes Pound leaflets. Use the #thelewespound to promote what you do – your promotions, deals, discounts or news.

The Lewes Pound supports local businesses by:

  • Encouraging residents and visitors to shop in local independent stores.
  • Supporting the diversity and richness of Lewes’s independent traders, producers and local suppliers.
  • Keeping money circulating locally rather than leaking out through chain stores
  • Encouraging local supply chains
  • Helping cut CO2 emissions by reducing transport costs and encouraging the use of more local suppliers.
  • Celebrating Lewes, the local community and the local countryside.

What Local Businesses can do with Lewes Pounds

  • Offer incentives using Lewes Pounds to encourage shoppers
  • Use #lewespound to promote yourself
  • Give Lewes Pounds out in change, encouraging repeat visits
  • Pay local suppliers
  • Use Lewes Pounds at local shops, pubs or cafés or treat yourself to a film at the Depot cinema
  • Keep Lewes Pounds circulating to support the local economy
  • Account for Lewes Pounds in exactly the same way as pounds Sterling
  • Exchange Lewes Pounds into sterling at any of the issuing points overleaf

There are no costs to accept Lewes Pounds. From an accounting and tax perspective, anything paid for in Lewes Pounds is accounted for in the same way as a pound sterling. The original purpose for Lewes Pounds was and is to support local Lewes businesses. It’s your Pound to use it in as creative way as possible!