A monthly subscription is an easy way to collect your Lewes Pounds. Once you have set up your standing order your money will be waiting for you at the issuing point of your choice, to spend as you wish—locally. More than a reminder, this simple process helps you manage your shopping, supporting Lewes and our local businesses. The subscription scheme has been in operation successfully for over a year, reinforcing local spending.

1. Contact your bank and set up a standing order:

  • Lewes Pound CIC
  • Co-Operative Bank, sort code: 08-92-99
  • Account number: 65421792
  • Add your surname as reference (VIP)

2. Email thelewespound@gmail.com stating:

  • The date and amount of your standing order
  • Which issuing point you select to pick up your Lewes pounds

3. Collect your Lewes Pounds on or after the 1st of every month.

Sign up today and start 2016 with a new resolution, making money work for Lewes.

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