The Lewes Pound – more than just money

Ten lewes pound noteDuring the Covid crisis it hasn’t really been possible to spend Lewes Pounds, either because businesses that accept them have been closed or because businesses have preferred contactless payments, rather than paper, to reduce the potential spread of infection. That doesn’t mean, though, that we have given up on our local currency; we hope it will be back in circulation as soon as possible. We believe that the Lewes Pound is a vital tool in supporting a thriving local community that is more sustainable and fairer for all. Furthermore, our designs send out an important message about what kind of town we are and what kind of town we want to become. That’s why we say that the Lewes Pound is ‘more than just money’.

The current notes expire shortly and even before lockdown, we had been discussing themes for the new notes and connecting with people who might work on the designs. The text on the reverse of the new notes will say that the Lewes Pound:-

  • Celebrates Lewes
  • Supports Local Traders, Social Justice and
 UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Helps Combat Climate Change
  • Keeps Money Circulating Locally

These are the topics that all the new designs we have commissioned reflect in one way or another. We really want our new issue to tell a story about our town and some of its concerns relating to these matters in 2020. We can say that our overriding theme is about ‘Celebrating Lewes’ and that we want each note to reference one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

All in all, we are very excited by the themes and designs of our new notes. The print-ready versions are steadily coming together and we hope it won’t be too long before everyone can see them, use them and celebrate Lewes with us.

6 Comments on “The Lewes Pound – more than just money

  1. Looking forward to hearing when the new notes will be identified and available for purchase (by post).

  2. Sure I just bought many of Lewes Pounds for much much MUCH less than their face value. I paid £2,50 for £21 note in quantity! Does that build trust to Lewes Pound? Your website does not explain how much does Lewes Pound cost, what is the exchange rate, is it same value as GBP QEII money and how much Lewes£ should cost and what and how does it work? We are kept in the dark on this….

  3. Hi Tom,

    It is possible that you bought some of our LP21s that expired way back in 2014, so in fact they now have NO monetary value at all. We did have a dealer who bought some of this very old, out-of-date stock from us at a reduced price, which was helpful to our finances, but of course we have no control ver what he did next with them.

    Full information about how the Lewes Pound operates is available on the website, where it is made clear that currently valid LPs are exchanged at a rate of One Lewes Pound to £1 sterling, whatever the denomination. You will appreciate that we are a community organisation committed to celebrating and supporting our town and helping it to move towards a more sustainable future, so we have no interest at all in undervaluing our current notes or in reducing trust in them.

  4. Do you have an approximate date when you believe the next issue will be released? Many thanks.

  5. Yes, we are planning to launch the new issue on 25th September.

  6. Many thanks Susan. Will I be able to purchase by post/pay through Paypal – please?

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