The Lewes Pound was delighted to be part of all the excitement around the recent Gentlemen of the Road Stopover Tour with its special edition LP5 and LP1 notes.
The new notes were delivered by our printers just two days before the weekend event and our first job was to present one of each to Ruth O’Keeffe, mayor of Lewes. She was delighted to receive them and suggested that they might form a lot in the charity auction she is organising later this year. As mayor Ruth had access backstage down on the Convent Field and was able to show our special notes to members of Mumford and Sons. They were thrilled with our initiative and happy to sign further notes that will also be part of the mayor’s auction evening. The mayor also signed letters verifying the authenticity of our LP notes and these form part of a new collector’s pack including one each of the special notes. These are available on-line and at our stall in the Saturday farmers market
Meanwhile, expecting there to be a lot of interest, our co-ordinator was busy making sure all the issuing points in town were well stocked with the special notes – or ‘Mumfords’, as some of us have taken to calling them. They definitely appeared to be the souvenir that everyone wanted and he had various calls to replenish stocks over the festival period. At the same time we ran a Lewes Pound stall as part of the market on the Priory site. Lots of festival goers bought single ‘Mumfords’ from us but some people also exchanged enough to do all their on-site shopping in ‘Mumfords’. We had explained our initiative to all stallholders – on the Priory site and in the Convent field arena -and all (bar one) were happy to receive ‘Mumfords’ in payment.
We still have plenty of ‘Mumfords’, so whether you want to spend them or collect one please do visit the usual issuing points in town. They will be delighted to help and share with you a little of the magic generated around this unique weekend in the life of Lewes.